Hey all! Before you read any further, please be away that this blog does mention an item for sale. We’re merely sharing this item and are not recommending it outside of expressing personal interest in using it ourselves.
We just returned from another fun trip! This time, we went to visit some close friends in Virginia Beach, VA. This was a first visit for me and actually somewhere that my wife has previously lived as a child. So it was especially exciting to visit somewhere new but also somewhat nostalgic.
If you haven’t already, check out our post on how to packed a suitcase cause that’s exactly what we did to prep for this trip! The day before take off, my wife had to run some errands so I cleaned the house - we actually had an ant problem just before we left which is why I did a significantly more intense cleaning than we usually would before a trip. We then loaded up the car and went to bed super early to get as much rest as possible for the long travel day ahead of us.
We woke up around 2:30am to loaded the littles into the car and made our way to the airport. After parking, loading the car seat into this AMAZING car seat backpack, put the kids in the wagon, and shuttled up to the security check. 45-minutes later, we had our bags checked and were through security, just in time to board our first flight.
The first flight was a breeze as both our kids sleep through it along with sleeping mostly through our long layover (3-hours), which gave us time to get them changed out of travel onesies and fed before the second flight. Once we landed in Norfolk, we took the trek from the tarmac to bag claim where our oldest asked to help roll one of our suitcases - that’s her in the pic helping us roll them.
We then made our way to the Enterprise desk and got our rental. We were lucky to have landed during a slow period which resulted in us getting an SUV a class above our original choice. This was really a huge blessing because we were traveling with a wagon, car seat, booster seat, 3 suitcases, a diaper bag, a snack bag, and a bag of toys. So if you can’t tell, the extra space way truly needed.
After getting the gang all loaded up, we made the 30-minute drive to Virginia Beach. This was a pretty unique stay for us as we stayed with friends this time instead of booking a room/AirBnB. This worked out great because they were so close to the beach with a neighborhood that had three different parks within walking distance, as well as a nearby library and rec center.
Once we unloaded and caught up with the other adults while our kids and theirs napped, we planned out the week. Seeing as there were three under two-years-old among us, we took it relatively easy. Having tons of home meals and getting plenty of naps in. We also checked out a local brewery, New Realm Brewery, for one of the friends we visited birthday. Let me just tell you, they have a GREAT fries!! To our surprise, they were have a concert on-site - keep an eye on our socials for cute videos of dancing littles.
We then had a split day in which we took turns with the kids. One group went to the aquarium while the other went fishing. Both groups had a pretty fun but exhausting time. Not to tout my own horn but I was the only one to catch anything AND it was my first time fishing on a boat as well as first time fishing in anything bigger than a pond. Super cool experience! After we got home, the guys had the kids while the ladies went to get some fresh ink (tattoos).
Our last day, we had a pretty cool house church experience with out friends and their church family. Then we all took naps and loaded up the car. Since this was our first time flying out of the Norfolk airport, we chose to get there two hours prior to take off to ensure we could get our rental checked in, check our bags (again love the car seat backpack!), get through security, and grab a pre-flight meal to help the girls sleep while we traveled. Unfortunately, the girls were not feeling bed time while flying this time around so the first flight was pretty rough until we busted out the snacks and backup tablet downloaded shows. The girls also had a tough time during the layover due to being tired, but we again managed it with some glowing Woah Dough that my wife bought during our time with friends. The Woah Dough also saved the day for the second flight home until the girls were ready to sleep. Once we made it back, we soared through the airport to make it to baggage claim, once we got everything we made our way to the parking lot shuttle stop. We missed the shuttle when we arrived, so while waiting a pretty long line formed. Due to this, once the next shuttle arrived there were two lines both on opposite sides of the bus entrance BUT one side had not been waiting near as long as the other. However, they tried to step on the bus prior to many of us who had been waiting, for nearly 30/45 minutes while they'd only been waiting for about 5. Seeing this, I politely told the person at the beginning of the new line that there was a line already in existence and pointed them towards the back of it. After hoping of the shuttle, we took the 25 minute drive home and passed out.
How would you have handled the situation with the early line? Many of the folks in front of us didn't feel comfortable addressing it and just wouldn't let them into the line.
Let me know your thoughts!
D'Vaughn Delpit
