Hey y’all! Before you read any further, please be away that this blog does mention an item for sale. We’re merely sharing this item and are not recommending it outside of expressing personal interest in using it ourselves.
Well, of course, there are a few different options of how to pack a suitcase. My wife and I's favorite way has recently become the process I'm going to breakdown here.
To start, we typically identify what type of plans we want to make - determining whether we're going to have a formal/fancy dinner, if there is water activities, and what other possible activity we may do are discussed. Once we've gotten this down, we pick several options and determine what we may or may not need to order for the trip. We tend to do this about 3 weeks out and place our order before we enter the end of the third week.
Recently, we've order for online companies that ship items in individually packaged bags. We then use these re-usable bags to help pack our suitcases. These bags are similar to the organizing bags that can be found on Amazon. These are the ones we plan to order for our next trip.
Once we have the bags and clothes, we start put our kids clothes into pairs to be packed together into the re-usable bags. Now that the kids are a little bigger, we are giving them one suitcase to share which has all of their clothes, shoes, and majority of their accessories (hair bows, cute hats, etc.). From their, we start a similar process for my wife and I's clothes. As a family, we typically have at least one matching family outfit. This outfit is usually packed all together in one bag.
We will also pack all of our clothes into the re-usable bags, placing them into the main storage area of our suitcase. We then will place our more delicate garments and socks into the mesh zipper compartment at the top of the suitcase. Depending on the length of the trip, we'll either put our shoes in the same bag or into a separate bag.
Once that's done, we take a new look at our travel sized goods to see what we need to get more of. We typically will put that with our carry-on items. They usually join our diaper bag with our kids items. We will also carry some fun/distraction based items for our kids while we're flying/driving to our destinations. This usually consists of some of their favorite non-noise making toys. For our next trip, we're planning to try downloading videos onto our phones and tablet for them to watch.
I'll let you guys know how it goes and what our thoughts are of the packing organizing bags - if you check out the organizer bags before we do, let me know your thoughts!
D'Vaughn Delpit
Dreams of Wonder Travel Agency